package install
Installs the update contained in the specified secure package file (.spkg). You must include the authorization code string found in the included authcode.txt file. Specify the string itself; you cannot specify the .txt file with the -authcode parameter. Use scp/pscp* to securely transfer the secure package file to the appliance.
When installing a secure package on the ProtectServer 3+ External HSM, the following error message may be displayed:
This error does not affect any part of the installation and can be safely ignored.
User access
package install -spkgfile <spkg_file> -authcode <auth_code>
Argument(s) | Shortcut | Description |
-spkgfile <spkg_file> | -s | Specifies the secure package file (.spkg*). |
-authcode <authcode> | -a | Specifies the authorization code string found in the included authcode.txt file. |